Friday, March 26, 2010

Wanted to congratulate my client, Abby, who lost 10 pounds in 5 weeks! We weighed in January 26 and started our workouts January 28. Weighed in again on March 2 and the results were perfect! She averages a 2 pound weight loss per week -- a 1-2 pound weight loss per week is ideal in KEEPING weight off! Keep it up Abby!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kettlebell Taining

The last week in February, Cooper Trainers participated in a Kettlebell continuing education course taught by our own, Laura Alton. So I want to update everyone on Kettlbell training including the benefits, safety and a few exercises.

--The Kettlebell helps to develop hip thrust. Our hips are the generators for athletes and athletic movements.
--Training with a Kettlebell develops back resiliency. Training through multiple ranges of motion helps in conditioning the back through all planes of motion (sagittal, frontal and transverse).
--Because of the design of the Kettlebell, the offset of center of gravity challenges and improves shoulder flexibility and strength.
--The thick handle of the Kettlebell helps to develop grip, forearm and wrist.
--Kettlebell usage strengthens the glutes, increases back endurance and stretches hip flexors. Gluteal Amnesia, observed by Vladmir Janda, MD, is an inability of the glute to contract. Without correction leads to increased back problems as the back takes over the lifting role of the glute. Weak glutes are associated with tight hip flexors, so as you are strengthening your glutes using a Kettlebell, you are also stretching your hip flexors. More bang for your buck!
--Sensible ballistic loading appears to reduce the odds of developing arthritis.
--Specific Kettlebell exercises help strengthen the multifidus, a muscle deep in the spine.

--Remember: Quality, not Quantity
--Know the position of your spine; avoid flexion of spine
--No slouching
--Keep your core tight; brace your stomach as if someone is about to punch you
--Keep wrists neutral
--Form comes first before weight so start out light then increase the weight

A few exercises include:
The Turkish Get Up
The Swing
The Clean
The Press
The Juggler

Check these exercises out online or ask me to show you sometime!

Kettlebells are great to incorporate into your workout regime. If you're unfamiliar, please seek professional assistance before performing exercises alone to avoid injury.