Friday, April 30, 2010

Bathing Suit Season, it's HERE

It's that time of year again - BATHING SUIT SEASON! Are you ready?

I have several clients, including me, getting ready for the first pool party of the year. But wait, before making an appearance, how do you get that flat stomach and less flab here, and less flab there? Though genetics play a major role in whether or not you, or me, can have a "6 pack" stomach and less flab, there are 2 types of exercises that will help sculpt your beach (or pool) body: STRENGTH TRAINING & CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISE.

For that oh so desired definition in the abdominals, they have to grow larger and the fat laying over them must decrease. To achieve this, you must combine strength training AND cardio. Also, don't forget about your diet! These 3 components must be included in your workout regime for results. So, just as doing 500 crunches a day alone won't provide a "6 pack", neither will doing a million tricep pulldowns or a million knee extensions provide toned arms and thighs. "Spot reducing" and "spot toning" is unsuccessful - fat just doesn't turn into muscle. Any exercise that decreases body fat will not only help you lose the fat covering your abdominals, but also help decrease the fat around your arms, legs and everywhere else!

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