I have been waiting for my April issue of Women's Health to arrive all month. I couldn't take it anymore so I went ahead and bought the issue today before I went to the salon. Wouldn't you know, when I checked my mail after my haircut, there it was, the April issue of Women's Health. Of course... #PatienceIsaVirtue
Now it's time for FilthyFit Tidbits from April's issue of Women's Health...
*Salmon, farmed mussels, and wild sardines are the top fist to eat as they provide a high dose of protein, omega-3's and a low amount of mercery.
*Use a foam roller for a deep tissue massage. When fascia becomes inflamed, it forms adhesions. Foam rolling helps release areas where adhesions attach; also it increases flexibility and breaks down the build up of lactic acid.
*24 is the percentage by which you decrease your risk for a heart attack when you get your teeth cleaned 1-2 times a year.
*Omega-6 is an essential fatty acid that helps keep skin firm and smooth.
*Draining canned beans reduces sodium content by 41%
*To help mask your garlic breath, chew on a spring of parsley; or sip milk before or during indulging in garlic.
*The right fatty foods, like nuts, avocados and healthy oils, should make up 20-35% of your total calories.
*Have a whey protein shake once a day to help get your belly flatter.
*Want to shed a couple pounds before a fast approaching event? Cut carbs, carbonated drinks and sodium packed foods. Increase your water intake as well.
*According to Josh Bowman, cheating is a deal breaker.
*When there's a rumor out there about you, don't ignore it, confront it!
*Push yourself harder at the beginning of your workout and ease up during the second half. (That's the way I train!)
*Eat about 100-200 calories 1-2 hours before your workout for optimal results.
*Snack on red apples, berries and grapes to boost your endurance, making your workout feel more doable.
*Adults suffer from eating disorders too: Orthorexia - a fixation with healthy or righteous eating; Pregorexia - extreme dieting and exercising while pregnant to avoid gaining the 25-35 pounds doctors recommend; Binge eating - compulsive overeating, often to deal with negative emotions or stress; Anorexia Athletica - an addiction to exercise; Drunkorexia - restricting food intake in order to reserve those calories for alcohol and binge drinking.
*Five energy suckers: dehydration, cell phones, medication, overtraining and low iron.
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